Aspie adventures....female style

Doing my best to enjoy parenting a teenage daughter with Asperger's Syndrome.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"THE FAMILY HOLIDAY" ...(this film may contain scenes of violence)

How do you have the perfect vacation anyway? When each person has their own idea of what a vacation should be like and none of them match eachother. You have one person who wants to see all the sights, one who wants to shop the whole time, one who wants to sleep the whole time and one
compliant member who just goes with the flow (does anyone still say that...goes with the flow?)
Of course everyone's goal is to have a fun time and come home with wonderful family memories...but I have plenty of memories of shopping at Wal-Mart and falling asleep to the how is it supposed to work? You may be thinking right now.."Isn't she reading that Love and Logic book? I thought that was supposed to be helping." And the answer to that is "No." Well, yes and no. I did read the first few chapters and then I spent some time making some summer memories at Wal-mart...and then a few memories of choosing some plants for the garden...then some memories of a few trips to the grocery store etc...and before you know it, here I am, in Victoria, BC, on family vacation, wishing I had read a few more chapters.
For now I guess you give everyone a taste of what they want...a few museums, a bit of shopping, a few naps and a bit of time in the pool....I bet that is what Love and Logic would say....because to me that sounds both loving and logical..however, this is a family vacation after of those life experiences that somehow always seems to defy logic.
Well, here's to making the best of it all, and to the couple in the room across the courtyard closing their curtains before my kids come back from the pool!
(Photo courtesy of

A Royal.............

I always wondered if parenting techniques used in America worked in other countries....and the answer is ......sometimes.......but they don't work in the hotel, which must be the neutral zone. All of a sudden it's about jumping from bed to bed and anything less that a 42 inch TV somehow cannot be seen from the bed which is placed exactly 4 feet from the screen.
The tea however, is very good and the sky is blue or is that bleu?
This is our first family vacation in YEARS and aside from the above we have had a great time. The Wax Museum was a blast and I'll let you know all about the Wal-Mart in Victoria BC when I get back.....(E lost her bathing suit....and don't tell her I said so, but she has discovered for the first time that girls have hair on their upper lip and suddenly everyone in Victoria has noticed we are off to solve that problem). Good times eh?!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Singing Hallelujah !

The results came back from the latest scan and the spot they saw in the liver turned out to be nothing. Not only was it nothing but the "something's" are now nothing....that is to say the cancer in the bones is now offically me.....and not only is it dormant but there is actual scar tissue which normally sounds like it wouldn't be such great in the sentence, "My, but you have a lot of scar tissue." But in this case, it means that things are healing.....hence my calling my dad (again) to ask him how to spell hallelujah so I could use the word hallelujah in both the title and the body of this here blog!!!!!!!!! So HALLELUJAH I say...and thank God for the words dormant and scar tissue in the same sentence!!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

We all fall down

Well we didn't "all" fall down, but I did. I fell down. I tripped and fell flat on my face. I honestly can't remember the last time I fell down....well now I can cuz' it was last night.
Now in context this is a bit scary as my bones haven't quite healed yet, so the potential for a larger more embarassing situation was definately a possibility.
It's always embarassing as an adult, I think, to fall down...but even more embarassing when you trip and fall coming out of the bathroom. Ohhhh yes, that is exactly what I did. I left the bathroom last night, turned out the light, and with tiny pupils walked in to my dark bedroom and tripped over my dog that was laying on the floor right in front of the bathroom door. The room was dark, the dog is dark, and the carpet is dark and I'm a dork.

Nothing broke, son ran and got ice and sat beside me on the husband sat on the other side of me, checking for broken parts, and my daughter got up and called my dad!
Yup...she called my dad and handed me the phone. "Hi dad, ya, I fell down...on my face..."

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