Aspie adventures....female style

Doing my best to enjoy parenting a teenage daughter with Asperger's Syndrome.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

We all fall down

Well we didn't "all" fall down, but I did. I fell down. I tripped and fell flat on my face. I honestly can't remember the last time I fell down....well now I can cuz' it was last night.
Now in context this is a bit scary as my bones haven't quite healed yet, so the potential for a larger more embarassing situation was definately a possibility.
It's always embarassing as an adult, I think, to fall down...but even more embarassing when you trip and fall coming out of the bathroom. Ohhhh yes, that is exactly what I did. I left the bathroom last night, turned out the light, and with tiny pupils walked in to my dark bedroom and tripped over my dog that was laying on the floor right in front of the bathroom door. The room was dark, the dog is dark, and the carpet is dark and I'm a dork.

Nothing broke, son ran and got ice and sat beside me on the husband sat on the other side of me, checking for broken parts, and my daughter got up and called my dad!
Yup...she called my dad and handed me the phone. "Hi dad, ya, I fell down...on my face..."


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