Eeeeeeeekonomics and the Wi-Fi cowboy

Ok, show of hands, who's has had to self-medicate at least once over the recent stock market/bank/insurance/retirement fund/housing market/gas prices thing? That includes all carbohydrates after 7 p.m.....well you are not husband has been doing it too. I think most husbands worth their salt are doing it! I love the fact that he is looking out for our future. So here's the plan that was arrived at after the consumption of mass amounts of a bearclaw pastry over the weekend.
Land he can retire on, paid for, where he can become a cowboy....and the search land land land land, where is affordable land? Found it! Oh he was excited....7 acres, plenty of room for a few cows and a horse or a gaited community....with Wi-Fi to every lot...
oh give me a home....where I won't be alone....where my computer can work all the time, where my cell phone is heard, and I won't miss a word...and the land that I live on is MINE!
disclaimer: no one is going anywhere...who can afford it?!
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