Aspie adventures....female style

Doing my best to enjoy parenting a teenage daughter with Asperger's Syndrome.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Royal.............

I always wondered if parenting techniques used in America worked in other countries....and the answer is ......sometimes.......but they don't work in the hotel, which must be the neutral zone. All of a sudden it's about jumping from bed to bed and anything less that a 42 inch TV somehow cannot be seen from the bed which is placed exactly 4 feet from the screen.
The tea however, is very good and the sky is blue or is that bleu?
This is our first family vacation in YEARS and aside from the above we have had a great time. The Wax Museum was a blast and I'll let you know all about the Wal-Mart in Victoria BC when I get back.....(E lost her bathing suit....and don't tell her I said so, but she has discovered for the first time that girls have hair on their upper lip and suddenly everyone in Victoria has noticed we are off to solve that problem). Good times eh?!


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