Don't eat the poppy seed muffin because it might affect the drug test that the school administration is going to ask for's a long story

This is a very random post today. A chance for me to vent a little because there is no one here but the dog...and to be quite honest, I think he is just as tired of this whole mess as I am.
It was another battle this morning to get my eldest child off to's a long long story that has been going on since kindergarten, which is why both the dog and I are beyond tired of this....and he has only been around the last 3 years of this mess.....
This situation is like an octopus in that it has one main body but many if an octopus had more than 8 legs, that is what it would be like....say a decapus or centipus....
Part of the main body, say, the mouth, is when she comes to me daily complaining of some extreme trauma having to do with school and begging, nay, beseeching my intervention on her behalf, with the school administration. Translation: "Mom, can you email my teacher and tell them about all my problems and that because of these problems I didn't get my homework done?" Or the more literal translation....."Mom,can you get me out of this?"
Sometimes when this happens I hear a teenager just being a teenager, and other times I hear an Autistic cry for help....dang these mother's ears anyway! time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time infinity, I contact the school for whatever help seems appropriate. Having been alerted to the severity of the situation they approach my daughter the next day to help her handle the fragile state she claims to be in only to find out, by her own admission, that she is "just fine". Over time this exact scenario has repeated itself dozens and dozens of times...actually bringing someone in the school district to the assumption that "mommy must be on drugs or something". Which is why, when I went to get coffee this morning, I passed on the poppy seed muffin and got the apple scone instead. Just in case.
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