What do you get when you cross an unattended stallion, a sunny day, a bored mare and an invisible property line?

Answer: Pregnant! And this time it's for real...I promise....I know this because I saw the vet stick his arm in up to his shoulder and describe the inner workings of my horse. Then, just to be sure, we, we as in he, stuck a camera in there and we saw that baby on ultrasound. We also saw poo but that's not a big deal....not near as big as seeing the baby.
And that isn't where the fun ends...at least not for me....because I get to pick names...a boy and a girl...just in case.
I like names that have meaning....that tell a story....the story of how this foal was conceived...daddy jumping two sets of fences to get to mommy....how about "Forest Jump" if it's a boy?
Let's think about it for a while....let me know what you think.
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