Aspie adventures....female style

Doing my best to enjoy parenting a teenage daughter with Asperger's Syndrome.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


So in an effort to enlighten the masses, I am stepping a bit out of character today. Someone once said, "You can't fix stupid" but I beg to differ. I think in some cases you can, because I think in most cases stupid just comes from a total lack of information, (exacerbated by the seeming oblivion that it would be in that person's best interest not to flaunt their ignorance).

For example: I think it is stupid to assume.....anytime, anywhere, with anyone. Mother's of Aspie kids will forever be grateful if those assuming people in their lives would just kindly knock it off! Oh we see your eyeballs when they roll like Nascar tires and I really only have one response to that......"Trade ya?!" For one month let's sleep, panic attacks, sensory battles, social dramas, hygiene refusal, no hugs from your kid, stimming.....

When the state's most brilliant minds on the subject have been unable to provide viable solutions, let's see if your whispered wisdom fixes everything.....I would be glad to give it a try because the thousands of dollars I have spent on Dr.'s, and the hundreds of books/articles I have read I guess left out the one key ingredient...they forgot to get your advice.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hay there.....

Looks like Holly (the horse) wasn't the only one who couldn't get enough hay! Evidently it wasn't pregnancy, but too much hay that caused her symptoms. Not so much the hay persay...(see if you can work that word into a sentence today) but the amount of fiber in her diet.
Seems our friend in the photo above is doing well with her diet and looks quite ready for the day ahead. As for Holly, it's all about the protein and not about the stallions anymore.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My horse was horsing around

Well, it's been a while...sorry about that. Summer is always a bit out of whack or just plain whacky. It was good overall. School started yesterday but I will save all that juicy material for another entry. I just wanted to share briefly a snapshot of summer.
We have entered the world of Equine fun/clean-up/financial upheaval/time management/what kind of hay is that/saddle sore/etc.....and I asked a friend if she could "finish" my beautiful mare. Now I use the term "finish" only because that is the correct term, however my horse needs to be super finished because she really hasn't been "started" in the first place. But, anyway my friend graciously agreed but mentioned as an after thought "you do know your horse is pregnant?!"
Oh no no no no she's just fat. Then after she explained to me that the enlarged udder and giant stomach were used to house and feed the baby (just kidding...I knew was just denial, because life is easier that way) I realized that we were going to have a baby. So since somebody has not yet invented the EPT for horses, the vet is dropping by tomorrow to reach his hand in and find the baby, which neither horse nor owner are going to be comfortable with.
I did however, just as a side note, stand around for about 4 hours the other day waiting for her to pee with EPT in hand, because someone said that it will work....but that was an unbelievable waste (ha ha get it? waste.....) because I guess horses don't go #1 very often and as the old saying can lead them to water but you can't make them drink!
So all this to say that it's been a long time since I have blogged and I will be back in the saddle soon!

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