My horse was horsing around

Well, it's been a while...sorry about that. Summer is always a bit out of whack or just plain whacky. It was good overall. School started yesterday but I will save all that juicy material for another entry. I just wanted to share briefly a snapshot of summer.
We have entered the world of Equine fun/clean-up/financial upheaval/time management/what kind of hay is that/saddle sore/etc.....and I asked a friend if she could "finish" my beautiful mare. Now I use the term "finish" only because that is the correct term, however my horse needs to be super finished because she really hasn't been "started" in the first place. But, anyway my friend graciously agreed but mentioned as an after thought "you do know your horse is pregnant?!"
Oh no no no no she's just fat. Then after she explained to me that the enlarged udder and giant stomach were used to house and feed the baby (just kidding...I knew was just denial, because life is easier that way) I realized that we were going to have a baby. So since somebody has not yet invented the EPT for horses, the vet is dropping by tomorrow to reach his hand in and find the baby, which neither horse nor owner are going to be comfortable with.
I did however, just as a side note, stand around for about 4 hours the other day waiting for her to pee with EPT in hand, because someone said that it will work....but that was an unbelievable waste (ha ha get it? waste.....) because I guess horses don't go #1 very often and as the old saying can lead them to water but you can't make them drink!
So all this to say that it's been a long time since I have blogged and I will be back in the saddle soon!
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