Summer Dialogues
E: "oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh "(done in a sing-song voice)
"Oh I got you good, oh I got you good, oh I got you good, oh I got you good"
J: "Peanut butter toast!" (pause) That's gonna happen to us someday"
E: "oh what now, what now, what (clap clap clap)
J: "squish, squish, squish, squish"
(random clap)
Both: "what what what what, what what what what" (done to here comes the bride)
Both: "what what what what ...what what what what" (done to oh christmas tree)
J: "I'm gonna set the world record for staying down on this thing"
(random noise...sounds like gas.... no one laughs so can't be gas)
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