
Chad and I met once again with the school district last week to hear what decisive and timely action they were going to take on E's behalf. Since there are less than 30 days left in this school year they wanted to appear to be doing everything they possibly can for us by gathering once again around a large, richly stained table, pour thirst quenching water into paper cups with ornate Dixie TM designs, look dramatically at their watches and once again bedazzle us with their ability to use an inordinate amount of words to say absolutely nothing.
I believe that the details of the divorce I filed for following the meeting are a matter of public record. (Just kidding!) I had to take my frustrations out on someone and Chad was the one sitting next to me in the truck on the way home so it naturally fell to him.
Realizing that divorce was not the answer, I decided to put this energy to better use. I have always noticed that the next most productive thing in motivating change is "public embarrassment" so I contacted the media.
Step the superintendent by e-mail and let him know that I am done with meetings that produce nothing but sufficient hydration.
Step #2...inform the school district that unless specific change is in effect within 48 hours a birage of hungry media toadies will be descending on our little town ready to over exaggerate the story of the "One Child Left Behind".
Step #3...hit the send button after Cc'ing every possible person within 6 degrees of separation.
Step #4.... wait and wonder if I am going to need to call the Real Estate Agent after all or would a new haircut be enough.
Like Edgar Allen Poe's Tell Tale Heart, the clock beat out the next 17 hours.....had I just ruined my kids life, or was I a brilliantly creative mother forging the path for change?
At exactly 7:00am the next morning my phone was ringing. It was the superintendent letting me know that after we met last Friday (the mtg was actually on Thurs but who's counting) they were persuing a math tutor for E and would let me know when they were able to finalize that.
(Oh Goodie!!! After failing Math for an entire school year, 9 months of meetings, countless
e-mails requesting, begging, informing, enlightening, and begging some more, E may, possibly get a tutor for one class for the remaining 28 days of school. ) To which I responded, "Here's the deal....youv'e got 48 hours to provide me with a list of everything the school has done to help, and to respond to the questions I submitted regarding E's IEP evaluation back in MARCH that have not been addressed due to a dental appointment, or this mirage of the "ideal learning environment" is going to start to crumble.......then I blew the smoke from the barrel of my "gun" and put it back in it's holster.
(disclaimer: no real guns or holsters were used in this incident. This was just a figure of speech used by the writer to allow the reader to picture in their mind one hot mama workin' it).............
They have 24 hours 22.5 minutes........................
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