Aspie adventures....female style

Doing my best to enjoy parenting a teenage daughter with Asperger's Syndrome.

Monday, April 10, 2006


One of the aspects of Asperger's (AS) is difficulty dealing with intense emotions...Whether really happy, sad, angry etc...they are all very overwhelming, and self control is often harder to come by. This of course makes for very good and fun times! LOL as they say.
Yesterday was the last day of Spring Break, and it was time for me to once again crack the proverbial yet useless whip that is my verbal instruction. I started by telling E that due to her allergies, and the fact that you could make 6 giant bird nests for the nearly extinct Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) with all the cat hair in her room.....there is now a "no pet in your room" policy. This takes me back to the intense emotion explanation above. She then, in an effort to cope with the devastation, launched into the daily "you hate me" diatribe that all parents of 14 year old girls know and love and have long since tuned out. But in a moment of weakness I recklessly said, "you know, if you were a little nicer....." ( I am embarrassed to continue but you get the gist). That was all this brilliant little 14 year old needed to set her selective focus on yet more passive/aggressive ways of getting me back.
She started by dragging her bedding (and the cat's) into the hallway outside her room to sleep. (Take that mommie dearest!)This is where I found her at 6:30 am when I went to wake her for school. ARGH!
"You are sleeping in the hall?!" I ask, "I know" she says looking up at me like I was blind but now I could see. "It's time to get up for school" I grump. After the traditional 10 minute time lapse I say again, "It's time to get up!"
"I AM!" she grunts as she lays motionless. Now 5 more minutes "E....It is time to get up and get dressed NOW"...."I KNOW THAT! I AM! " she yells .... and my ears ring in the silence that follows. It is now that my heart pounds with frustration and I determine that I am not going to suffer from stress induced illnesses brought on by this, and I take a deep breathe. Minutes pass and eventually she casually walks down the stairs, blonde hair tousled by sleep, and says...."Why didn't anybody wake me up?"


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