DING! Round Two
So the new horse comes tomorrow. I could tell by the look in her eye she is up to the challenge!
Even Chad likes her and that, my friend, says a lot for this horse.
Again we have name "issues"---- her name is currently Mercedes Thunder Breeze. And don't say "call her Mercy or Breezey" because I will have to....well throw up honestly. When it comes to animal names I like to go for the least obvious or over-the-top obvious. Chad said to name her Pam. It goes back to a personal story where a british friend thought someone's name was Pam when it was really Tammy. Every time they saw eachother she would say in her thick accent "Ellow Pam!" That is why we thought it would be funny. Then we thought of naming her Stella......obviously so we could yell STELLA!!!!!! like Marlin Brando. Then, because she is a Paint/Pinto we thought we would go with a Native American name like She Who Runs
A lot .....but as of yet we have no real solid choice. We then went with names from our favorite movies.....Elizabeth, The Pie, Jem, Cordelia....
The bottom line is she comes tomorrow and she is still the horse with no name!
Any ideas?????????????
sadie? short for Mecedes...
How about aspie? No sorry, that's not funny..
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