So it's June 6, 2006.......a Tuesday. Last night my daughter came into my room and asked if she could stay home today. As this is the same questions she has asked each night since Kindergarten I gave her the same answer as I always do...."if your temperature is above 103*.......if you haven't kept food down for the last 24 hours.....or if there are parts of your body that won't move despite your best effort" (just kidding) I said "NO". It was then that she informed me about the date of 6-6-06. I guess the seperation of church and state only applies to subjects outside of Satan, because the school district sent home fliers, did all their fire drills and lockdown drills and set everyone on high alert for this random connection between the day of the week and the personification of Lucifer himself!
Within the hour my son came into my room (notice how I am seemingly always in my room) asking if he could stay home from school as well because someone might blow up the school.
To this I answered..."Oh what the Hell" (ok that was funny!) I'll let you know what happens : )
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