Lost in the Lobby

Like the shrimp you bought from the guy parked in front of you at the ferry landing, not connecting it to the conversation you just had with him about his air-conditioning being on the fritz? Or when you knew for sure that there was one more gas station before you got on the Interstate, so you fly by the Shell station smiling and singing something by Rascal Flatts ?
Well yesterday, my very handsome, very athletic, very single, home-owning (with a boat no less!) very ethical lawyer, brother called. As he was riding in the elevator at the fabulous building that houses the posh ( well, small but posh) office of this very ethical, very single brother of mine, the elevator doors open to reveal "a vision" of a woman (No seriously she was real, it had nothing to do with the total sleep deprivation of this extremely hard working very attractive, very single, very ethical lawyer, who would of course limit his hours to 40 a week if he were to find the right woman). The woman that very well could have been sitting across from him at the coffee shop later that day, and shortly thereafter (say within 6 months) sitting across from me, his devoted sister, at the fabulous bridal shower I have had planned since 1998 (ok, I have updated the music but so far that’s the only change).
As he stepped off the elevator, she stepped in. He was then faced with the split second decision to turn around and get back on the elevator and speak to her. But her mesmerizing good looks accompanied by the paralyzing fear of saying something unforgivingly corny, left him speechless and the moment was lost.
Even the ring of the phone sounded a little "off" as he called me later that evening. Fortunately I was already wearing black (due to it’s slimming effects) as he told me about "Lost in the Lobby Girl". The mourning period was short but effective, as I promised to pray fervently that she would again appear to him in the elevator. I told him that my "Thrifty" connections could possibly help him with this, as sometimes it has made my children appear more obedient and helpful, but I couldn’t promise anything. He has chosen wisely to go it alone. Lost in the Lobby Girl could easily become Love in the Lobby Girl by weeks end.
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