Overboard.....it all sounds so familiar

Have you watched the show "Deadliest Catch" on the Discovery Channel? As much as I don't want to, I find myself strangely drawn to it....it is fast becoming one of my favorite shows... I think it's because of the overwhelming number of parallels between Crab fishing and my life. For all of you who have not seen this show, it is essentially a documentary about several fishing boats that head out into the Bering Sea to fish for two types of Crab. The show profiles the captain and crew and the dangers they face so that we can eat the delicious crab (God bless 'em). Now back to the parallels.....let's just start with this picture here....this looks a little like the kids bathroom the other day as the toilet overflowed....I really could have used one of those orange all weather suits then.
Then there are the forty foot swells that are my 14 year old daughter's emotions.......the horrible smell, working 18 hours on 4 hours sleep, the cramped living conditions, lack of communication, no privacy whatsoever,running out of coffee at the worst times, the unexpected landing on your head, your feet slipping out from under you, the wave upon wave of my daughter's emotions (did I already mention that? sorry) the captain who thinks he knows were he's going and then totally gets you stuck in the ice fields, and no place to "off-load" whenever you like...and finally the ever present possibility of that rouge 60 ft, blonde, tan, leggy wave that is waiting to knock you sideways.........
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