First installment of Laurie's "G" block.....G is for grocery of course!

The town where I live has two grocery stores. I have already told you about the Thrifty. Obviously the other store is Safeway as noted by the large picture to the left. Our Safeway was remodeled recently, adding the 17th Starbuck's in a 10 block radius ,(yea capitolism!) a bank, deli, new meat deptartment, on-site bakery, and shopping carts with little cup holders. "Why go home?" is the question I frequently ask myself. Oh ya, the kids...right!
Oddly enough I think the Safeway employees have begun to wonder the same thing about me.
My first clue came the other evening as I was in the check out line (I tend to shop earlier in the day but due to some unavoidable set back....child or pet related to be sure.....I was "late"). The Checker says..."Wow, we were about to send someone out to look for you!" I laughed with her on the outside but on the inside, honestly, I was a bit disturbed.
Next another Checker, (I capitolize out of respect for their dedicated service and constant over-observance to every detail of my life) commented on how she just loved the color of my Jeep Wrangler. Ok.....seriously......are they following me? Are they so concerned about my mental status that they have a security camera focused on me as I pull into the parking lot and suddenly all registers flash "CODE GREEN" or in other words "She's back AGAIN"? I chuckled with her, grabbed my groceries and turned my back to all the security cameras on my way to the car.
Episode 3, this time with a male Checker..."It just wouldn't be a day without you folks coming in!" The look I shot him screamed "What's your point?!"
Ok, I decided..... I can play along. The next day I overheard a customer in the line behind me asking where he could find the soy milk in a box. Ah-ha! Here is my chance...."It's with the oatmeal on isle 5" I blurt out, beating them at their game! Unfortunatley I failed to factor in the after hours coaching the store was offering their employees on the off chance that I eventually caught on to their mental manipulation, and she came back with " She's right! And you can trust her, she's a part of Team Safeway!" Oh! She got me! But I think I have them running a bit scared as I am sure they were behind the phone call I received from my credit card company this morning (under the guise they suspected fraud) asking if I could please verify the last 12 transactions begining with July 10th at Safeway, followed by the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 13th again, 15th once at the deli and once again at the pharmacy, 15th in the p.m., 16th, 17th and the 17th...all at Safeway? Ok, Ok, I get it....we ALL get it! I'm there a lot.....
Just wait until later today when I show up with a NAME TAG!!!!!
The obvious solution: Food Pavilion. The chairs in the Starbuck's there are nicer and the produce is better.
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