My Husband's Solar System

I decided, the other day, when my husband was trapped in a moving vehicle on the way home from the store, that it was a good time to bring up something I had been wanting to discuss with him for quite some time. Him! This is pretty much the same conversation I have with him every July as we are about halfway through the summer. I call it....."The Size of Your Solar System" speech. Funny how this brilliant man, who can run an entire company, never tries to avoid being stuck alone with me in the car around this time of year. If it were me, I would have it on my calendar in January with the daily countdown ending in a raging case of swimmer's ear....but that's just me.
Anyway, the speech goes a little something like this...." In your solar system, you are the sun, then the next planet is S-X, followed by planet FOOD. That's it. No planet Offspring, or Loving planet Long Day, or Constant planet Whining, or Sink Full of Dirty Dishes, or We Are Out of Milk planet How Many More Times Does The Cat Have To Pee In The House Before People Remember Not To Let It In Anymore!
For Christmas I think I will buy him a telescope.
You could print this entry, tape it to his mirror, and he still wouldn't see the conversation coming. That's just men! Keep up the writing!
Oh my gosh! You have discovered my husband's solar system! He however has develped the knack of space travel so he sometimes goes to where no man has gone before ... well, not very many anyway.
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