Aspie adventures....female style

Doing my best to enjoy parenting a teenage daughter with Asperger's Syndrome.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

No title for this one.....

Are you ready for this? Are you ready for me to say the word "naked" ? Well, ready or don't know the first thing about being naked until you are standing bald in the shower....take it from me, seriously, I know whereof I speak as of this morning....sorry for the visual....but even hair, a little or a lot, makes a huge difference in the showering experience.
I can't even describe (which I think is saying a lot considering the source) what I felt like, standing there.... a cue ball? A hard boiled egg with no shell? THAT'S IT! THAT IS EXACTLY HOW I FELT! Well maybe a hard boiled egg with a smidge of a
Dick VanPatten bad combover.
I know I will have something deep to say about this experience, but right now it is late and I have to pack and the moral of this story will have to wait until tomorrow. This is where I would insert some pun about "eggs" like...let's a-poach this subject again...but my brain is scrambled!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hair or Hairloss seems to be the hardest word

Look at that hair...that georgeous head of hair...I want hair just like that! You think I am joking but I am not. There is so many wonderful things about Bill Gates''s's needs to be cut's not made of recycled 2 litre bottles! I am jealous of that fabulous head of hair!
Check back in 6 months to see if my hair looks as good as his....

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Could somebody help me? There is a question that I just am not quite sure how to answer any more. I knew how to answer it before.....for years and years and years I answered it the same way....but now all of a sudden I am a loss for words maybe.......nahhhh that can't be it......that's only happened once I think....just's never happened....anyway, we could argue that all's the question...."How are you today?"
First off, we can rule out "Fine" cuz' I'm not fine....I don't want to give some cutesie pat answer because that will just sound like some cutesie pat answer...
I don't want it to be fake or phony or condescending.....nothing "corny spiritual"...ok so where are we cutesie, pat, fake, phony, corny spiritual,...I don't want to lie...well...I don't want to lie about this....don't get me wrong, I want to lie as much as you do in the course of the if your friend has totally gone awry on her latest choice of Loreal hair color...or the lady sitting next to you at the airport asks if you would mind if she changes her baby's "we just tried prunes for the first time" diaper right there instead of using the changing table in the Ladies room that is 10 feet get my drift (the 80's just called and they want their phrase back)....bottom line...don't want to lie...
So now what? Really....I'm asking....what do I say? Cancer here, there and everywhere?..radiation?...tired?...yada yada....can you yada yada cancer? (who got that?)
What would you say?

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