The father/son talk
I was headed out to grab my day-starting Americano (seemingly the only 10 minutes I have alone this summer) and as I headed home my cell phone rang. The familiar home number flashed on the screen and I flipped it open (I always loved the "communicators" that Captian Kirk used to talk to Bones on Star I envision that dream come true every time I answer my phone...just one of life's little pleasures because Lord knows they are few and far between but I digress....) it was my son sobbing. Unable to make sense of what he was saying, I naturally thought his big sister had smacked him or said something tremendously hurtful about the size of his skull or I questioned him... but through his tears he assured me that it wasn't his sister. Then I thought he must have stepped on one of those tack strips that you put on the floor before you carpet (we are re-carpeting the stairs and two other rooms) and that blood was now everywhere and not only did it hurt and look frighteningly gory, but he felt bad there was blood on the floor..... but he said that wasn't it either. Then the horrific thought that the "carpet guys" had shown up a bit early and said something wierd to him, freaking him out, popped into my head...but I think my question about that made him a bit scared of his freaky mom....
Well, all the questions I asked were so time consuming that I was home before he was able to give me the was football.
He is trying out for the local team and has decided that he is in a bit over his head, but didn't want to disappoint me or more importantly his dad.
Well our policy (posted right on the fridge...not really...) is.... all we ask is that you try. So I assured him that neither of us would be disappointed, but he still wanted me to break the news to dad.
I went to the computer to send dad an instant message (the best way to reach him at work) and recanted the sad story. He picked up the phone right away and called . I watched J's face as his dad tried to put his mind at ease. My mom heart strings were singing but I somehow knew that those 3 magic words would be overlooked so I dashed back to the computer and reminded dad to say I love you. He did and J hung up.
About 15 minutes later J was helping me unload the diswasher, (because I want my son to know how to help his future wife in these menial tasks, or at the very least not need me to come over to his batchelor pad to do it for him) and I asked him what his dad had said when he called.
J: "He said I love you"
Me:"That's great! Did he say anything else?"
J: "Ya, he said there was something he forgot to tell me and then he said I love you"
Ok, if tears are not welling up in your eyes right now, I don't want to know you, because that, dear readers, was the most touching moment you can have with a 10 year old boy! Out of everything his dad said, that was the one thing that stuck.
Go tell you kid(s) you love them (unless of course they are 14, horizontal, and on their 23rd hour of television today........then admittedly it will be harder)