The Good Ol' Days

My 11 year old son just bought himself a cell phone. What in the world does he need that for! For his mother's convenience of's all about convenience and saving time and reaching everyone at any hour of the day or night etc.....but is all this technology really better than "the good ol'days" I asked myself recently?
Wouldn't it really be quite a nice break in the day if our kids were off playing in the south 40? You can't see them and more importantly they can't reach you by phone?! Then when you do finally see them you could say something like, " The chickens need feeding, so do the cows and horses, and oh yes could you pick me a bushel of beans after you clean the barn?" buying you another 3 hours at least.
And didn't churning butter give you a chance to work on your tan and work your upper body at the same time? When was the last time you were able to sit on your porch AND work out for that long? Not to mention a whole barrel of butter for your fridge when you were through without so much as a trip to Safeway. A BARREL of butter!!! Time saver?.....I think so!
Laundry was easier nasty, time consuming seperating of the dark colors and white.....and who's to say that women weren't creative with their washboards back in the day........I say a good set of washboard abs on a passing cowboy worked just as well if not better. And how much easier to have a better wardrobe than your neighboring farmer family then to see all their clothes out on the the line and then just step it up a notch at the local mercantile next time you're in town, assuring your daughter a better shot at the eligible son of that wealthy "rail road" family. Makes online dating look a bit rediculous does it not?!
A better tan, free butter, a daughter who has married up.......maybe they really were the "good ol' days"!
Wouldn't it really be quite a nice break in the day if our kids were off playing in the south 40? You can't see them and more importantly they can't reach you by phone?! Then when you do finally see them you could say something like, " The chickens need feeding, so do the cows and horses, and oh yes could you pick me a bushel of beans after you clean the barn?" buying you another 3 hours at least.
And didn't churning butter give you a chance to work on your tan and work your upper body at the same time? When was the last time you were able to sit on your porch AND work out for that long? Not to mention a whole barrel of butter for your fridge when you were through without so much as a trip to Safeway. A BARREL of butter!!! Time saver?.....I think so!
Laundry was easier nasty, time consuming seperating of the dark colors and white.....and who's to say that women weren't creative with their washboards back in the day........I say a good set of washboard abs on a passing cowboy worked just as well if not better. And how much easier to have a better wardrobe than your neighboring farmer family then to see all their clothes out on the the line and then just step it up a notch at the local mercantile next time you're in town, assuring your daughter a better shot at the eligible son of that wealthy "rail road" family. Makes online dating look a bit rediculous does it not?!
A better tan, free butter, a daughter who has married up.......maybe they really were the "good ol' days"!