Aspie adventures....female style

Doing my best to enjoy parenting a teenage daughter with Asperger's Syndrome.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Northwest Trek for Women

Here in the Pacific Northwest we have an attraction called Northwest Trek. It is a place where the average person can have a personal and up close experience with animals like Bison and Elk....a place where you can really study the beauty of God's creation.

As my husband drove out of the driveway on his way to this wonderful adventure, with the kids locked safely in their seatbelts, unable to leap from the truck and return home, I basked in the glow of how they would come home better people for the experience. This would not only be an educational opportunity but a spiritual one as well...thanking God for the beauty and creativity that is nature.

My thoughts then shifted to the previous evening when I was asked to drive a friend of a friend to the local ferry. Now, before you inhale a bug with a sharp gasp.....this is not what you think. It was however when this friend of a friend knocked at the front door that the thought occured to me that he was so amazingly hot that he could convert an athiest into a God-fearing woman just so she would have someone to thank for what she was seeing. It was this thought then that led to the idea of Northwest Trek for open sided tram that would weave it's way through 723 acres of God's beauty and creativity that is naturally georgeous men....the main area would consist of your many species of blue collar men, starting with your less risky occupations to the extremely dangerous...the walking trail would take you past the white collar men behind glass where they are most commonly found therefore free to act in a more natural way . The men would not be allowed to speak to the tourists nor would the tourists be allowed to touch or feed the men........this allows for the peaceful exsistance of both species.

I believe with all my heart that an experience such as this would not only add to the life content of the average woman like a trip to an art gallery, but contribute to her overall health similar to meditation.

Husband's, it would seem, would have to be supportive of this idea, in theory, because as they say..."When Mom is happy, everyone is happy." So as I see it, Northwest Trek for Women is wonderful for the whole family.

If you would like me to justify just about anything in your life, please feel free to contact me
You're welcome!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Pain Pain Go Away...

I wasn’t quite sure what to title this could have been "the summer that wasn’t" or "it’s my back pain and I’ll cry if I want to". These and many more would certainly describe the past 3 months.
It all started with a bit of Spring gardening...I think...I mean with back pain you are never really sure where it day you are fine and the next day you turn to grab that cute pink sweater and you are frozen in place. So, I think, it started with pulling some ivy in the garden. A little back pain, a little advil, and all will be fine....fine that is until you find that your taking the advil like candy, on an empty stomach, and you begin to wonder if the intense nausea that has developed over the past 3 days is one of those "surprise... the vasectomy has backfired" situations. So I head to the Dr. to find that it was the advil that fired back causing a bit of an ulcer.
With that under control, and the sun shining, I head out to ride a friend’s horse. His name was Gus (the horse, not the friend) with the emphasis on the letter U...because that was his shape. Sway back doesn’t quite describe this old guy, but a friend in need........
I should have like the wind...but I didn’t. I bounced on that horse like a teatter-totter ride on caffiene. The next day I was frozen like last summer’s Otter Pop.
The pain was horrible, and with all good pain killers off limits due to the advil mishap, I pop a few tylenol and settle into the recliner for the next two months. No, that is not a typo....
Two months of "Drake and Josh"and I had those scripts down like a desperate stage mother. I also know 65 ways to serve shrimp, 7 restaurants where I want to stop and eat the next time I travel Route 66, and I can flip your house faster than a pancake. However my back still hurt. So off I go to the Chiropractor, who sent me to the physical therapist who had me stand in front of the mirror and squeeze my buns together for 3 sets of 30. Somehow, though I can’t imagine why, this DIDN’T HELP. So out the door I went buns a blazing!
With the flame of hope down to a tiny flicker, I was given the name of another physical therapist and I soon learned that yes, angels do sometimes have red hair. She’s great, and although my back is still not "back" to normal...we are finally headed in the right direction.....just in time for school shopping......which, let’s be honest, is where the good drugs really do come in handy.


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