Mountain School and the Chicken Bear

My son's class is going to attend what the school is calling "mountain school" and what my son likes to call "his last days on earth." The class will be traveling about an hour from home into the mountains for 2 nights...........evidently plenty of time to be mauled by the bears that Perky Girl, two desks down ,did her report on. A horrible vision of claws and flesh in comparison to the Townsend Chipmunk that my son reported on (so soft and furry... not bothering a soul.....just scurrying along looking for something to fill his puffy little cheeks and take home to his family) .
Perky Girl's so called "report" has been an education to all of us. For example, I had no idea that bears went into hibernation on October 19th and stayed there until April Fool's Day... and as "mountain school" begins on November 15th, this was very important information.
We also received an education in dream interpretation. "J" woke the other morning for school and told me that he had 3 dreams the night before. I was a little nervous that we were going to be headed into 7 years of severe drought but fortunately they were bear dreams....actually 1 bear, 1 bobcat and 1 bear that looked like a giant chicken.........a bear, a bobcat and a chicken bear......."hmmmmm" I said, "I think I know what you have been worrying about."
"Yup!" J" said, "I guess it's just my subconscious mind working the night shift!"