Aspie adventures....female style

Doing my best to enjoy parenting a teenage daughter with Asperger's Syndrome.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Follow the bouncing child

I looked up the definition of bouncer because I realize that is what I really need to get my daughter off to school in the morning.
bouncer: a person whose duty is to throw troublemakers out.
Wow! How perfect is that?!
My friend was talking to me about a book she was reading on non-violent communication between parent and child. Originally I was interested in what the book had to say because aspie's love to argue and it often starts in our house upon waking.
Then I thought....wait a minute....non violent communication? I do that! The first 30 times I make the request, such as ... "Can you please stop clapping your hands." are pretty non violent for the most part (well on the outside they appear pretty passive however inside I am visualizing The Clapper wired to a trap door in the floor so when she get the picture). It's not until I have been completely and totally ignored and she's clapping like she just finished a school assembly on the cancellation of academia....... that my communication becomes.... say..... intemperate....ahhhhh who am I fooling! I have my own ideas about alternate forms of non violent communication but I spose I better stick with what the book says if I want what's best for my little angels.


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